100 Days

In exactly one hundred days, I will marry the love of my life. The man that I have waited for my entire life. The man I knew for so long as a friend, will become my husband. I cannot begin to express what this year has brought me, and how much he means to me but I can tell you, without hesitation, that he was 100% worth the wait.

He is a breathtaking revelation of God’s love for me. He is a living, breathing example of what it looks like when you wait for the right thing. He is not perfect, and neither am I, but we do life beautifully together. Our relationship is my greatest pleasure and my most overwhelming joy. The last 6 weeks have been so challenging, with many transitions and so many emotions. I was afraid this move would harm our relationship, but it’s actually strengthened us. Jarrett has stood in the eye of my hurricane and walked me through to the other side. He stepped out of the spotlight so that I could experience it, he laid down his career for mine. To say he loves me well is almost an insult because it’s so much more than that.

I tell you these things to encourage you. To the 35 year old woman who is heartbroken, I see you. And a year ago I was you. I thought my dream of marriage and family would never happen, a year ago I let that dream die. And here I am, a year later in a completely different place. I have never been more happy, fulfilled or at peace in my entire life.

Sweet, precious, heartbroken people…don’t rush the rhythm of your life. I tried for years to make things fit that weren’t meant for me. I promise you, this pain is preparing you. You will see, feel and experience the joy. And the moment you step into it you will know why you had to wait so long. You will see a life that you could not even imagine for yourself and it will all make perfect sense. You will sigh a huge sigh of relief knowing you are finally home. Much love and unrushed rhythms sweet friends.