253 Days

After two hundred and fifty three days Jarrett and I finally share a zip code. There were times I felt this day would never get here. For those of you who do this all the time, I commend you. Long distance is no joke. Military spouses, you are the real MVP’s. I am so thankful for the time we have had together and honestly, I’m thankful for the distance. It forced us to cherish time, it forced us to communicate better and to be intentional in our interaction. It helped us to develop good habits.

In all of those days, we only spent one weekend apart from each other. That is the thing I am most proud of. Jarrett told me early on there was “no way” he was going more than two weeks without seeing me and he did that very thing. He was so intentional, even in the very beginning. His intention didn’t waver, even when the distance went from a one and a half hour drive to a seven and a half hour drive.

With both of us working in athletics and tied up almost every weekend, we had to be very intentional with the limited time we had. We supported each other’s events as much as we could. I missed a lot of Jarrett’s basketball games, because I was the basketball admin at WT and had games as well. There were times when the only night we didn’t have a sporting event were Wednesday nights. Jarrett proposed to me after one of my basketball games in Canyon. I drove to Shamrock, after my game, to spend Sunday with him and we got engaged. My point is, we worked at it and were intentional with it, even when it wasn’t easy.

He told me, way too early on in our relationship, that he would be driving towards me in a Uhaul by the end of May. No matter what. At the time, I thought he was crazy. Turns out he was right. We are so excited to finally share this time together, to share meals in person instead of over FaceTime and to not be traveling every single weekend. Here’s to making it work and being intentional. Much love and good intentions sweet friends.