35 Lessons in 35 Years

Year 36 is quickly approaching and it had me thinking about what I’ve learned over the years…here are 35 things I know from experience to be true in my life:

  1. If they want to, they will
  2. If you want to, you will
  3. There is nothing sweeter than a child’s laughter
  4. Snow is always magic
  5. Rain is a close second in the magic department
  6. Time truly does heal all things
  7. We almost always have what we truly need
  8. Things are always better than they seem
  9. You only need a few really great friends in your life
  10. Maintaining friendships gets harder with age
  11. You don’t have to exercise as hard as you think you do to see and feel a difference
  12. Eat the damn cake
  13. There are more people in your corner than you realize
  14. You are making an impact, make sure its a good one
  15. Live your life, you’ll be judged either way
  16. Prioritize your own happiness
  17. People don’t care as much as you think they do, and only the ones you care about should get a weighted opinion
  18. I am a walking contradiction
  19. Time and distance don’t change good relationships
  20. Money is a tool, not a crutch
  21. Freshly baked cookies make a big difference
  22. Small, repeated actions count more than big gestures
  23. Life truly is short, savor each day
  24. Your life is as happy as you decide it is. All circumstances are temporary, the good ones and the bad ones
  25. You’re going to lose people, love them while you can
  26. The wrinkles around your eyes from smiling, totally worth it
  27. Not everyone you’re good for is good for you
  28. Time is your most valuable resource, spend it wisely
  29. You deserve a good life but you’re going to have to fight for it
  30. Tears dry and heartaches heal
  31. What’s meant for you will not pass you by
  32. Not everyone’s journey looks the same, that doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong
  33. Health is valuable. Drink the water, eat the veggies, move your body, get some sleep
  34. It doesn’t have to be complicated, in fact, it shouldn’t be
  35. Your life is precious, treat it as such