A Dash of Passion

For most of the world, what you do for a living, and what you actually love, are two entirely different things. It’s unfortunate, but for many it speaks the truth. There are aspects of being an athletic director that I love, and there are aspects that I could definitely do without. Many of us fall into that category as well. Jobs these days are all encompassing, they don’t have a singular focus. Most people are going to have things they love and things they don’t love about the job they are in.

One of the things I struggle with in my position is disconnection. I care a lot about people, and I want to feel connected to them. But the reality is, we have almost 300 student-athletes on our 12 teams. I want to know all of them on a deeper level, I want to help guide their life choices and influence them in a positive way. But sadly, I only get to know a few of them on that level.

So what do we do about it? We find other ways to connect. I try really hard not to miss their games. I try to at the very least show up for them and cheer for them. Every decision that I make on a daily basis is with them and their coaches in mind. They may not know that, but that is one of the other ways I feel connected to them. I accepted this position for them and their coaches – I wanted to serve them.

I probably feel the most alive when I am writing or in nature. Nothing clears my head more than a walk around outside or simply stepping out and admiring the beauty around me. I cannot even describe the feeling that I get when something I’ve been thinking about for days becomes clear enough to me for me to put it into words. Today, as you start your work week, focus on the things you love about your job. Find a way to bridge the gap between the things that fire you up and the tasks you have to complete. The world needs people who have come alive. Much love and a great work week sweet friends.