We are a nation divided, to be sure. We can’t seem to agree on anything anymore. We have lost our ability to respect the opinions of others, while holding different ones ourselves. Honestly, it’s heartbreaking to me to see such division in the world.
And it’s not just in our nation, its in our cities, our neighborhoods, our workplaces and in our homes. We don’t remember how to respectfully disagree. We have lost the value of tough conversations. Confrontation can be one of the most productive things we can do sometimes. Having hard, open minded conversations is life changing.
I am thankful that I am no longer surrounded by like minded people. There are a lot of people in my life that feel very differently than I do about certain things, and you know what? That is perfectly okay. Welcomed even. We can learn so much from each other if we will simply listen. Lean in and listen.
You do not have to agree with me and the way I live my life to be my friend. You do not have to agree with every choice that I make. I don’t need your opinion on every single one of my choices. But I do need your respect. You can respectfully disagree and still be in my life. As long as you love and support me, you don’t have to agree with me. Friends, disagreement is a part of life. Don’t shut people out that are different than you. Sit down, listen and learn. There is a lot of wisdom to be gleaned from different minded people. Just remember, respect of a person’s life and lifestyle is more important than agreeing with their choices. Their choices are theirs, let them decide whatever they want to. And when you get the chance, lean in and learn. Much love sweet friends.