A Fresh Start

It’s 2021, we have arrived. We have survived a year that tried to break us all. I’m not naive enough to think that it ends at midnight on December 31st, but I am always encouraged with the start of a new year. It’s an opportunity to reset, refocus, prioritize and move forward. It’s a chance to lay down the old, and reach for the new.

The year 2020 taught us many things. It taught us that we are not always in control and that we are not quite as free as we think we are. We learned that eating in restaurants, shopping in a store, going to the office, going to school, full stadiums, attending weddings and baby showers…all these things are privileges. It taught us to be flexible, appreciative, slow down, and show gratitude for our routines and habits that we may have resented at one time. The chaos of getting ready for work or getting kids ready for school became something we longed for.

This year, more than any other time in my life, I am thankful for my health and wellness. I am thankful for the health and wellness of my family. I am thankful for my job. I am thankful for a steady paycheck and the ability to go to work in person.

As we exit 2020 and enter 2021, take the lessons with you. Appreciate the growth that you experienced in 2020. Be thankful for everything that you learned along the way. Be thankful for the freedoms that have been returned to you. Take care of yourself, prioritize your health and wellness. Move your body. Clear your mind. Take care of your mental and emotional health. Cherish your friends, loved ones and coworkers. My hope is that 2021 will bring a restoration to all of us unlike anything we have ever experienced. I have never been through anything hard, that didn’t bring me something great on the other side. Let’s celebrate what is to come, it’s greater than we can even imagine. Much love and black eyed peas sweet friends. Happy New Year to you all.