Approach vs. Response

So much of what we experience is a product of our own minds.The way we approach a situation, rather than responding to a situation matters tremendously. One involves proactive strategy, while the other involves a reactive approach. I believe, most of what we experience is a product of our own perspective. As many of you know , my team and I faced a difficult task this past weekend. There were times in my life when I would’ve been much more dramatic about the whole thing, but I’ve learned that doesn’t help the situation. Whether I dramatize the situation or complain incessantly about it, the fact remains, it’s there to do. We can take that same approach to anything we don’t care for – dr’s visits, dental visits, long drives, whatever it is. The situation cannot be changed, but our approach to it can.

We have such a tendency to create our own misery and then blame our situation for it. We blame our past, other people, our own limitations,etc. But what we really need to do is take responsibility for our own happiness. You are in control of your responses, 100% of the time. Sweet friends, this world needs more fountains. We are all walking around so empty, constantly braced for impact, waiting on the other shoe to drop. Yall, I have become so used to being treated rudely in places that I am pleasantly surprised when someone is nice. People seem so miserably unhappy right now and it breaks my heart. It’s so sad that I have come to expect being treated rudely by people, the world is so sad right now.

I cannot change the world, but I can change both my response to it, and my corner of it. I try to encourage my people. I offer solutions, advice and a helping hand. I can’t fix the schedules, or the decisions made before me but I can make what’s ahead different. I can fight for what’s best for all involved, I can fight to create a work life balance, I can set a standard of encouraging each other instead of criticizing each other, I can set a standard of offering solutions instead of griping about circumstances. I cannot do it all, but I can do something. It’s starts with me, and it starts with taking responsibility whether I created the storm or not. It’s not about who’s to blame, it’s about making it right. Much love and steady progress sweet friends.