Be Committed

“The life you’re currently living is the accumulation of your choices and commitments to date” – Bob Goff

I have spent a lot of time contemplating the result of my choices. I am very aware that the decisions that I have made have lead me to this place. But until I read the above quote from Bob Goff, I never weighed the importance of our commitments and the role they play in defining our lives.

Think of a friend that you have that is very dedicated to their spouse. It’s so refreshing to be around people who truly love and honor one another. Often, we define them by their marriage. Or your friend that is very passionate about their job. It’s so inspiring to see people doing what they love. Their joy is contagious.

We live in a world of instant gratification and changing our mind on a whim. We don’t stay committed to jobs, people, friends or houses the way we used to. People use to marry for life, work at the same company for 35 years and raise their children in one home. Now, we go with how we feel, riding the wave of emotion. When we do this, we become defined by our inability to stay. I want to be seen as someone who sticks around, who is truly committed to what I say I care about. I want my actions to align with my words.

May I encourage you to commit to whatever it is that you are doing with your life? Go all in. Choose it every single day. Wherever the majority of our attention is, is where we will see growth. Make sure you are growing the area you want to see growth in. Spending 3 hours with your friends after work everyday, and 30 minutes with your spouse, is not going to grow your marriage. Evaluate your choices and commitments and make adjustments as necessary. Much love friends.