Be Not Consumed

There’s no doubt that our lives are more challenging, as a whole, than most of us have ever experienced before. We are constantly bombarded by bad news, hard news and sometimes terrifying news. We are braced for impact at all times. I find myself wondering sometimes, “what now” when someone starts talking about COVID, politics, the world, the future, etc. For me, its sometimes easier to disengage from it all than to take an active interest, its like my heart can’t take anymore bad news. It can be all consuming.

Friends, it’s one thing to know what’s going on, it’s a completely different matter to be overtaken by what is going on. We have to be very diligent about what we allow to penetrate our hearts and minds. We carry around so many burdens that are not ours to bear. I’m not saying don’t care, I’m simply saying, be careful what you carry.

Constantly consuming information is not always a good thing, if we aren’t careful what it is. The source is very important. If you find yourself weighed down after reading something, watching something, etc. take a moment to evaluate what about it feels so heavy. I know, for me, the heaviness often comes from helplessness. I see so much pain and I feel as though I can’t do anything to change it; it is overwhelming. But truthfully, I can do something to change things and so can you. I can show up, each day, with a good attitude. I can treat those around me with love and respect. I can love on people instead of repeating the bad news that I hear. Be careful what you let inside your mind, and be mindful of what you share with others. We all need a little extra sunshine these days. Much love and happy news sweet friends.