Be Not Consumed

I felt very pressed to share this today. It’s been weighing on me for quite some time. It’s been the subject of many discussions lately with Jarrett, Yvonne and my mama. So, this morning, as I sat in this sweet, peaceful spot on our deck I got it out of my mind an don paper. What is consuming you? Where is your time going? Where is your attention? What are you building? Are the things you say mean the most to you getting the bulk of your time?

So often, we are consumed by temporary things. I often become obsessed with losing a little weight – it consumes me. I’m irritable and unsatisfied. And for what? Does a 36 year old woman still need to be a size 0? What’s wrong with being a size 4? The answer is, nothing is wrong with it. Either learn to embrace it, do something about it, or move on. But be not consumed by the thought that you are not small enough. It’s unhealthy.

We are also often consumed by our jobs. But may I implore you to think about it differently? Do we not already give enough of our time, energy and effort to these jobs? Do we really need to obsess over them when we are away from them? Do we need to develop stomach ulcers over the issues they bring us? These very places that would replace us in less than a week when we leave them? Be not consumed. Show up each day, do everything you can while you’re there, give it your all and then leave it for tomorrow.

So often, our family time is consumed by thoughts of work, our work time is consumed with thoughts of family, our eating times are consumed with thoughts of needing to eat better and our free time is consumed with thoughts of housework. Sweet friends, be not consumed. Live present in the moment you’re in. Give that space your full attention, and when you transition into a new space, give it your attention. We live lives without boundaries and our worlds bleed into one another and we wonder why we are so stressed and overstretched. Practice the discipline of your presence. Go all in wherever you are and give that moment all of your focus. You will be amazed what you can accomplish with focused attention. Much love and healthy boundaries sweet friends.