Beautiful Freedom

I stood on a beach for the first time in my life yesterday, at the age of 36. This year has brought me so many new experiences and, if I’m honest, it’s overwhelming in the best possible way. This year has taught me so much about time, life, and using both well. Previously that always meant in the most responsible, safe way. I’m learning that all paths lead us to where we are meant to be. There are no rules, there are no timelines, there is really only now.

Standing on that beach yesterday, watching the waves crash in and cover my toes, opened my eyes to all kinds of new possibilities. I know it sounds cheesy but yesterday changed me. My entire adult life, I have felt like I was doing things wrong, not living my life in the right order, or doing the right things. I think, in my mind, I felt I had to follow someone else’s rules and timeline in order to get it right. Being unmarried for so long always made me feel so other. Flawed somehow. In a way I never really understood.

Sweet, precious friends. Please hear me. There is no timeline, there is no plan, there is no rule book. There is no right way to do this, other than the way that feels best for you. Jarrett and I have very different stories of arriving to the place we are in, but we both have found the love of our lives. In this time, in the moment, and on this path. This path that at times caused so much pain and heartache, brought us to this beautiful place.

What this year brought me, more than anything else is freedom. Freedom from preconceived notions of “getting it right or wrong.” Freedom from someone else’s definition of idea or responsibility. This year, and all the days forward, I choose adventure. As Jarrett and I enter into this next chapter of our lives, we choose to live big, bold, adventurous lives. That doesn’t always mean standing on the beach, but it does always mean following our heart and choosing what feels right to us at the time. Taking risks has always been hard for me, but I want to make that my normal. Living my life safe, and small, always kept me on the outside looking in. Risk, and taking chances lead me to this place in my life, and this place is beautiful. May you find your path sweet friends; timeline and rule free. Much love and beautiful freedom sweet friends.