Beautiful, Painful Truth

Honesty. Man its rare these days. We drag people along and stay way longer than we should because we don’t want to hurt them. Isn’t half loving someone hurting them? Why is breaking up the worst thing? Shouldn’t lying be the worst?

I may be alone in this, but I want people to be honest with me. If you don’t love me, tell me that. If you changed your mind about how you feel, tell me that. Friends, we have to love people enough to be honest with them. We have to learn to speak our truth. “The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” That is such a true quote.

But here’s the thing friends. Truth shouldn’t piss us off more than lies do. Someone leaving us shouldn’t piss us off, them staying for the wrong reasons should. We have to be more loyal to ourselves than we are to the ideas we have in our heads about our own lives. Sometimes things don’t work out. That. Is. Okay. Not everyone is meant for you. Let them go gracefully.

If you ever find yourself in a situation that feels false to you, speak your truth. Set your pride down and truly evaluate yourself and where you are. Don’t be afraid to switch careers halfway through your life. If what you are doing no longer feels true to you, be honest and start over. If you don’t think the relationship you are in is going anywhere, be honest about it. Yes, you are going to hurt people. But isn’t it more cruel to marry someone you don’t really love then to set them free to go find the kind of love they deserve?

Also, next time someone is honest with you resist the urge to be angry with them. Respect them for being honest. Be honest with yourself. Be honest with the people in your life. Speaking your truth will change your life. Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts friends. They are very valuable. If you don’t love them, set them free. They deserve happiness and so do you. You are not a failure, and neither are they. Honor change in your life. Hold your head high. Release the past with love and move forward with as much grace as you can muster.