Before Your Time

I have found myself, so often, wanting to wiggle out of struggle. To run as far away from it as I possibly can. I crave comfort and stability, it’s my happy place. I don’t know where I got the notion that life would be easy and happy but it just simply isn’t true. Sometimes life is really hard and sometimes it’s overwhelmingly happy, but both are necessary. We have such a false concept of what life is supposed to be like.

We think when we don’t get what we want, we are somehow being punished. Sweet friends, you are being protected. If it was meant for you, you would have it. I think back on some of the things I prayed so diligently for and I am so thankful I did not get them. There was so much more for me than I imagined, and I see that now. Letting go is difficult for me because I am such a loyal person, learning to let go gracefully has been one of my greatest life lessons.

Sweet friends, next time your heart is broken from a missed opportunity, can I encourage you to be thankful? Sometimes we don’t get it, not because we haven’t earned it, but simply because we aren’t ready. Giving you more than you are ready for sets you up for failure. Trust that you are being prepared for what is prepared for you. Don’t continue to knock on closed doors. Trust the process. Learn to embrace the rhythm of your life. At times the rhythm is calm and soothing and at other times it’s like white water rafting. Embrace both.

For those of you discouraged because it feels your time will never come, know that I see you. I know your struggle, with all my heart I do. But I also see the other side, and it is worth every tear you cry. What is on the other side is worth every no, every rejection, every single feeling of being overlooked. Your time is coming, and when you’re truly ready, it will come. And not a minute sooner. When it arrives, you will fully understand why you had to wait for it. You are being prepared for what has been prepared for you. Stay the course. Much love and patience in preparation sweet friends.