Before You’re Ready

Today, I finished packing up a home that I love, in a town that I love, surrounded by people who love me. Jarrett and I and our moms have been staying at my precious neighbors house. I have never felt more loved and tended to in my entire life. Tonight, when we came back over here to get ready for bed, I realized that I wasn’t quite ready to let go of this place or these people. My heart breaks thinking about what driving away tomorrow will bring. And yet, I know that the next level of my life requires it.

I know, that to get to the next level of my life, I must push forward though this heartbreak. Just like I have many times before. Each time I’ve honored my heartbreak and looked for the opportunity it brought me. And I have to say, each one brought me something wonderfully unexpected and something that exceeded all of my expectations. My last two heartbreaks brought me some of the best things in my life. One brought me to my house on Conner Drive and the most recent brought me Fay, Nancy, Jarrett and an amazing career opportunity. This heartbreak over leaving Canyon has already brought me amazing things; new job, new coworkers, new friends, new challenges and new opportunities.

Sweet friends, life is hard. Even when it’s really good, it’s hard. Great things can bring as much heartbreak as hard things. It’s almost harder to break your own heart. But the next level of your life requires it. The next level of your life needs more from you than this place can bring you. Pain is the biggest driver in my life, it pushes me to places I would never take myself. Pain makes me take risks. If I’m honest, there’s a part of me that appreciates the challenge that it brings me. It keeps me from growing stagnant, and for that, I am truly thankful.

If you are currently experiencing heartbreak, self inflicted or otherwise, look for the opportunity in it. Sometimes heartbreak comes not to harm you, but to clear the path. To shine light on a place you’ve forgotten. To be sure, you will never truly be ready, sometimes you just have to take the step. I’m thankful that for this step, and for this particular journey, I have a partner right there alongside me. Friends, don’t beat yourself up if a good opportunity breaks your heart. If you are loving people well, leaving should always be hard. Just because you chose it, and it is a good thing, doesn’t mean it won’t hurt. Give yourself the grace in transition this time so desperately requires. Much love and silver linings sweet friends.