Believe in Where You’re Heading

This hard place is just a pass through. I know right now it doesn’t feel that way. When everything feels hard and heavy. When you can’t find enjoyment in the things you used to love. This time will pass. This pain, this loss, this grief…it will pass friend. The rain won’t last forever.

In the meantime…its okay to be sad. It’s okay to be angry. It’s okay to mourn the loss in whatever way you need to. You don’t have to have it all together all the time. Sometimes we need to fall apart so that we can fall back together again. Life has hard seasons. Times when things feel far too heavy to carry.

So many of us try to hide our pain from others. We put a mask on and pretend like we are okay. We don’t open up to others until we feel healed enough. For some reason we feel like failures in our struggle. Struggle is normal friends, its nothing to be ashamed of. We all struggle sometimes. There is not grace in perfection. Stop pretending things are okay when they aren’t. There are people who love you, that will come along side you through this.

May I encourage you to reach out to someone that you love and trust? Be honest with them about where you are. Nothing breaks my heart more than to find out, after the fact, that one of my friends was struggling. I don’t want to know when you’ve picked yourself up, I want to lay on the bathroom floor with you. We need people that will come and join us in our sorrow.

Please, sweet friends, share your pain with someone. Let them sit with you, cry with you…whatever you need. And when you are done crying, can I ask you to look forward? Believe in where you are heading. The storm will pass and the destination is beautiful. We are not meant to do life alone. We all struggle, please don’t struggle alone.