Believe its Yours

“Sometimes the most beautiful things wait for us, but we must walk to them. It is a walk of faith. A test that reveals how much we believe it is ours to have.”

I think this is such a beautiful, peaceful, reassuring quote. How sweet to think that what is ours will not get past us, but we have to take a step of faith towards it. So much of what limits us is our mindset. When you really sit back and think about it, we have access to limitless possibilities, if we will just reach out for them. Sure, sometimes we are going to fall flat on our faces, but so often we learn so much from this experience either way.

We need to love ourselves enough to believe that what is good for us is not only out there, but ours for the taking. Taking a tiny step of faith each day is better than sitting on the sidelines waiting for something good to come along. Go out and make things happen. Stir some things up. Don’t passively wait for what you really want.

Here’s the thing friends. I believe that we can’t truly love ourselves and stand on the sideline of our lives. Sure, its safer, but what does it get us? We have to be active participants in this crazy life we are living. If you aren’t running wildly after your own dreams, what are you doing? The time is going to pass either way, why not pass it with wild dreams and big goals?

Instead of thinking why me? Try shifting your thoughts to why not me? Want the job? Go ask for it. Want the house? Apply for the loan. Want the guy/girl? Ask them out. When the worst thing you can get handed is a no, take the risk. Step out in faith and grab hold of what is yours. Just do something. Take a chance! My greatest wins in life have come from me stepping forward when I was terrified to do so. Love yourself enough to try.