Better Than You Found It

Jarrett left Shamrock for the last time a few hours ago. The entire school came out to see him off, and one of our favorites, Mr. Martindale, escorted him out of town with sirens and fan fare. I am so proud of him. I am so proud of what he did for that precious community, he loved them so well. He called me in tears over leaving behind such amazing people.

His departure brought to mind leaving, new beginnings and hard goodbyes. It should be hard to leave a place, no matter what is waiting on the other side. If it isn’t, you probably didn’t do it right. When you love people well, leaving is always hard. So much of our life is about acceptance and forward motion. It’s so bittersweet that moving on requires such heartbreak.

Sweet friends, allow yourself to grieve the goodbyes and the life changes. Even when they are good for you, they aren’t easy. It’s okay to mourn a place while being excited about another. It’s okay to both need to go and want to stay. Allow yourself the humanness to experience the range of emotions that goodbye brings. Just because you left a place on your own terms doesn’t mean it’s easy.

To the community of Shamrock, thank you. Thank you for loving, embracing and accepting Jarrett and I as your own. Thank you for making goodbye so hard. That sweet little home on Madden Street will always hold a special place in our hearts; that’s the first place Jarrett told me he loved me and the place he asked me to be his wife. The stadium, gym and school hold such great memories as well, we will always carry Irish Pride! Jarrett, few people in leadership get to leave places the way you left them, I hope you know the impact you had and the lifelong friends you made. Here’s to bittersweet ending and new beginnings sweet friends.