
I have long thought that bravery meant feeling brave. If I didn’t feel brave, then I wasn’t brave. If I was afraid, I must be fearful, not brave. But then I remembered, “courage is not the lack of fear, but acting in spite of it.” Feeling fear is a completely normal, human response to the unknown. There’s nothing wrong with feeling fear, the issue comes when we let it keep us in a place.

Friends, often, we have to learn to do it afraid. I have learned that feeling afraid doesn’t mean I’m not brave. In fact, its harder, and more admirable to do something when you do feel fear. It’s easier to do something when it isn’t scary. But easier isn’t going to grow you. There is so much more to life than easy and comfortable. Stretch those wings sweet friends.

I also think that fear can sometimes guide us to the thing we need most. “The cave you fear to enter, holds the treasure that you seek.” If it doesn’t challenge you, it isn’t going to change you. Perhaps, you should follow fear. Chase it down. It’s telling you something you are afraid to tell yourself. I have never taken a risk, in fear, that hasn’t paid off majorly for me in the long run. So much of our lives are restricted, not from inability, but fear. I have thought, many times, if this were my place I wouldn’t be afraid. What I’ve realized is, if I’m afraid but still drawn to it, it is my place. We have to push past how we feel sometimes. It doesn’t always feel good to pursue big things.

We want to know. We want to be sure. We want to be brave. Friends, being afraid and doing it anyway is about the bravest a person could ever be. Don’t beat yourself up for being afraid, just don’t let the fear keep you in a place that you’ve outgrown. Stretch those wings sweet friends. Fear fades, regret does not. Much love and bold decisions sweet friends.