Bravery & Other Misconceptions

Bravery doesn’t always feel brave. In fact, it often feels the exact opposite of that. The way we perceive other people often leaves us with such a false sense of reality. My sweet dad came to visit me this weekend and he told me over and over how proud he was of me. His sincerity was heartwarming.

He wasn’t speaking specifically of my job, although he is proud of that too. My dad was admiring me for my choice to move away and start over. This is something he has never done, and has never desired to do. To be honest, a few months ago, I would’ve said I felt the same way. He said at one point, “ you knew everyone at WT, why would you leave that?” He wasn’t wrong, but he has forgotten there was a time that I didn’t.

There was a time when moving to Canyon was my brave move. It was the place I had to go to get to the next level, at least in my own mind. I needed an education and moving to Canyon provided me with that and so much more. It provided me with a career and an amazing family away from home. Leaving there was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but there was a time when moving there and starting over were the hardest choices I had ever made. Honor the hard choices you’ve made in your life, no matter how long ago they happened. Look for bravery in your own life, not just in big moves, my dad is very brave in many ways that I am not.

It’s easy for us to admire the brave in other people. From the outside looking in, we can’t feel their fear, we only see their faith. Friends, please know that I feel fear everyday, it is something I have to actively battle. But I try to choose the thing that challenges me, that pushes me, that forces me outside of my comfort zone. For so many years, I only made brave choices when I was forced to, I’m learning to embrace the beautiful chaos that change brings. Lean into your fears sweet friends, there’s beautiful life on the other side. Much love and brave choices sweet friends.