Bring Your Own Energy

In continuation of yesterday’s post, I can’t stop thinking about energy. What you bring every day matters. I was standing in my kitchen a few weeks ago and just feeling tension. Things between Jarrett and I were tense. For some very insignificant reason. I realized in that moment, I control the temperature of our marriage. Jarrett is not nearly as effected by the presence of others as I am. He is almost always good, I’m the one that sometimes comes home with tension, negativity and residual stress.

I have the ability to read a room in a matter of seconds. I meet someone or walk into a room and the energy of that person or room hits me immediately. But I get to choose what I do with that. I have been in situations before where I just allowed the bad energy of others to get on me and effect my day. I’m learning to fight that feeling. It takes a lot more energy to overcome, but it’s worth the fight every single time. People need the good that you bring, keep bringing it.

Be the one that sees the good in people. Be the one that fights for the underdog. Be the one that sees a way when others only see obstacles. It may sound naive, but actually its necessary. People need the energy of “anything is possible.” People need to energy of “yes!” People need the energy of the one fighting to make things better. Keep showing up. Over time, others will join you. Show up alone until they do.

I think we live in a world of exhausted people because we don’t do enough of what sparks a light in us. We live on the conveyor belt of daily life. We go through the motions, not even aware of what our destination is or why we are headed in that direction. Fix your eyes on the outcome and fight daily for the wins. Learn to value the process. Much love and hard won victories sweet friends.