Build Each Other Up

People are hard, but they are also wonderful. Most of us just want to be loved and appreciated. The problem lies in how we deal with one another. We have a tendency to ignore the good and overreact to the bad in people. We don’t praise performance as much as we criticize it. We have built a culture of negativity in our workplaces and in our homes.

How often do you tell your people they are doing well? Do you thank them for being kind? Responsible? We tend to complain about and nit pick people for what they don’t do, instead of thanking them for what they actually do. We need to look for the good in them as much as we look for the mistakes. I realized this week that I am the temperature driver. My mood and attitude drives the environment in my workplace and my home.

People need to be built up. They need to be seen and appreciated for what they are doing and lovingly corrected for what they aren’t doing. This is true in our homes and in our workplaces. If we want people to grow, we have to create environments in which they can grow. Criticism and negativity do not foster growth. Ignoring both good and bad behavior doesn’t foster growth either. We have to be careful with standards – if there are neither rewards for doing well or consequences for doing poorly, things stay stagnant. There is no growth in that environment. Sometimes, the issue isn’t the people as much as it is the environment they are living in.

Foster growth. Build people up. Tell them you appreciate them. Lovingly correct. Set standards and communicate expectations. Be aware of the environment you are creating and look for ways to grow those around you. We are all so full of untapped potential, be the one who brings out the good in people. Shine light in dark corners. You’ll be amazed how quickly things begin to change. Much love and healthy growth sweet friends.