Changing Seasons

We are rounding the corner of a very busy work season. Jarrett has been working really long hours and my schedule is jam packed with home events. This week, we are hosting 8 home events – 4 of which occur on Saturday. Jarrett, and the Alpine Fightin Bucks, are returning home for 3 home games in a row. Life is busy to say the least.

Sometimes, when we are in the middle of the busy seasons, we can lose perspective. This is my 13th year of working in college athletics and each year I have to talk myself off a ledge at least once. The busyness of a season can eat you alive if you allow it to. Sometimes it feels more like a grind than anything else. If we can maintain our perspective and learn to enjoy the process, there are rewards to be had in the busy. If we aren’t careful, we miss it. The season passes without us because our attention is placed on the busy instead of the present. We also have to be mindful not to wear our busyness as a badge of honor.

I looked up yesterday and realized that my fall home seasons are coming to an end. This weekend we will celebrate senior days for volleyball and both men’s and women’s soccer. These athletes will see careers come to an end and new role transitions in their lives. After this week, we will only have football remaining as a fall home event and will begin basketball a week after home football ends. I say all this to say, the season passes. Don’t try to control it, let it flow into what it will become. The busyness becomes stillness and a new season begins. And when the new season begins, you miss the previous season. Rest in the present and value what it offers you.

Learn to lean into and enjoy the season you are in. Regardless of whether its a slow season or a busy season, it will change. And what we are left with is a longing for what was before. The point is to find value in whatever season you are in. Value your life, as it is right now. I love all the sport seasons for different reasons and I love the rhythms of both chaos and stillness that they bring. If you are in the midst of the busy or the hard know that change is coming. Much love and learning to value the process sweet friends.