Child Like Wonder & Sprinkles

My yard is covered in the most beautiful snow I believe I have ever seen in Canyon, TX. We get more snow than much of Texas, but it’s rarely as beautiful as this. This is the big, fluffy, powdery snow usually found much more north of this area. I found myself watching it yesterday with the awe and wonder of a child.

What if we treated our lives with the wonder we treat a surprise like snow? What if we looked at the world through the eyes of a child? What if we allowed the small joys in life to be the big joys in life? What if we took more time to celebrate the wins and less time to mourn the losses? There’s something that happens to many of us as we transition into adulthood. For some reason, we equate adult with serious, and I’m sorry friends, I’m just not buying that.

I am a mature, responsible adult. But I also love sprinkles on my donuts, surprises, dancing and being silly. Maturity and seriousness are not mutually exclusive. I like to enjoy my life and enjoy the company of those around me. We need to give others the permission they need to be silly, to loosen up and have fun, to enjoy life. Every conversation doesn’t have to be serious. Laugh with each other! Shake off some of the serious and relax into a simpler mind frame.

There’s always work to be done, I have a very busy job. But I have fun with my coworkers as we do it. We laugh, joke, give each other a hard time and we still get the job done. And you know what? We enjoy it so much more also. You can be both responsible and silly. You can both work hard and have a good time. Look for opportunities today to take the mask off and laugh. Enjoy the life that is laid before you. It’s the only one you get. Much love and sprinkled donuts sweet friends.

And to Jarrett, thank you for always paying the extra quarter so my donuts can have sprinkles.