Chin Up, Eyes Forward

Whatever that things is that you think defines you, you’re wrong. That breakup, that divorce, that bad business decision. You’re giving it too much power. We carry major mistakes around and allow them to bring us so much shame. We think that everyone in the grocery store is whispering about our latest breakup. Sure, some people are, but those aren’t your people.

Surround yourself with people that see you for who you are. And your mistakes are not who you are. They are part of the equation but they are not the solution. You are so much more than the mistakes that you’ve made. I remember, for the longest time, feeling such shame over breakups. I felt like such a failure because I thought I couldn’t keep a man. That I was somehow fundamentally flawed in that way.

Sweet friends, you can’t keep things that are not intended for you. You can’t force things that aren’t meant for you. Some people are meant to be in your life for only a season, there’s no shame in that. Honor the season. Be thankful that it happened instead of regretting the outcome. Sometimes things don’t work out. That doesn’t make you a failure or somehow flawed, it makes you human. Learn to be okay with the seasons of your life. Rest in knowing it’s all working for your good and it’s all as it should be.

Next time you find yourself in a situation that leaves you feeling less than your best, hold your head up. Don’t allow shame to creep in. You are so much more than that one thing. The people that are talking about you don’t know you. If they did, they would see you for the beautiful human you are. I have found my best people in these moments of my life. You are the sum of all the choices you have made, the good and the bad. Don’t give the hard ones too much power. Much love and grace for yourself sweet friends.