Choice, Chance & Change

Choices…man this is a tough one. Most of us would have to admit that we are guilty of making the easy choice at times. It’s easier to run through the McDonald’s drive through than to prepare a fresh meal. It’s easier to sit here and watch another episode of Netflix than it is to get up and do a workout. It’s easier to stay in this job than to find a better one. It’s easier to stay with this person who doesn’t appreciate us than to go out and find someone new.

We’ve all been there. But is it really easier? The truth is, it is easier today; but it makes tomorrow much harder. Our future depends on the choices we make today. We are literally laying the groundwork today, that sets the stage for tomorrow. What can we do today that our future self will thank us for?

The truth is, a few hard months can set you on a path to the greatest things you could ever imagine in your life. Choosing to go for the things you really want, to take a chance and make a change could truly change your life. Our mindsets limit us. When we believe we can’t do any better than we are doing we will accept less than great things in our lives. Our mindset of mediocrity is holding us back and keeping us from having the things in life that will truly bring us joy.

I am not a natural risk taker. I take only very calculated risks. In my life, the times I have shut down my mind, trusted my instincts, and taken a chance have set me up for the greatest successes in my life.

Today, I encourage you to set your mind on what you can have, what you are capable of, and what you can do. Then go out there and take some risks. Have hard conversations, ask the person out, apply for the job. Whatever taking a risk looks like today, do it friends. Your future self will thank you.