Choice Overload

I had a sweet visit with a Sul Ross Alum yesterday afternoon. He shared amazing stories of his time here and how things were when he was attending school here. Our visit struck a chord that I have been mulling over for a few weeks now.

He spoke of a simpler time. A time with less choices, less opportunities, slower pace and more face to face communication. Sounds refreshing if you ask me. Sometimes I think we are indecisive because we have too many options available to us. We are not choosing between a & b…our choices run from a-z and back again.

Sometimes I think we are doing ourselves, and our children, a disservice by offering them so many options. Opportunity and possibilities seem endless these days. I know that sounds like a good thing, but can’t it also be a bad thing? Anxiety is at an all time high and I honestly think it has a lot to do with the information and things we have access to. The choices and the options are endless, how could we possibly choose? I always feel like something better is just around the bend. With that mentality, it’s easy to put off making decisions or delaying choices because it feels as though another option or opportunity may be just around the corner.

Even when I was growing up, there were only a few stores that we really shopped at. Online shopping wasn’t a thing. We supported local businesses in our hometowns and the surrounding area. The gentleman spoke of his time at Sul Ross and what the cafeteria choices were…the fact was, there weren’t any choices. There was one meal for each meal time. You know what he said in response to that? “You can’t miss something you’ve never had.”

How true that statement is. It’s such a sweet, simple truth. Friends, as you go about your day, look for ways to simplify your choices, eliminate some options and declutter your spaces. Support local businesses and invest in your community. Log off the online shops and walk into a brick and mortar store. Engage in conversation with those around you. Simplicity has a beautiful way of making our priorities clear. Much love sweet friends.