
Choices. We make them everyday. Some are automatic, some take a lot of thought. Some are easy, some are very difficult. One of the things I’ve spent a lot of time contemplating over the last couple of years are my habits. My daily choices. How I spend the majority of my time.

What I know, is that every time I choose one thing, I’m not choosing another thing. By default, our choices create a chain reaction of events. For example, lets say that I choose to go out with my friends instead of spending time with my significant other. That is a perfectly acceptable choice. But each time I choose a friend, I am not choosing my significant other. Again, when balanced, this is a healthy choice, but we need to be thoughtful with our time. So many of us operate on autopilot, we operate without thought to the consequences of our choices and wonder why we keep getting the same results over and over.

Our choices are a reflection of our priorities. How special will the people in your life feel when you constantly choose other people over them? Overtime, our relationships erode because we are not giving them the time and attention they deserve. Our health is the same way. If we choose to be sedentary and eat poorly, our health will erode overtime. The thing is, we don’t say we don’t care about our significant others, or that we don’t care about our health, but our actions tell a different story.

Be more aware of your choices, make sure they are an accurate reflection of your priorities. Choose your family. Choose your health and wellness. Show up for them and for yourself. We are free to choose, but we are not free from the consequences of our choices. Sometimes, the consequences are instant, in other cases they take years to manifest. But the truth is, like it or not, your choices are a reflection of your priorities. Much love and wise decisions sweet friends.