Choose Hope

Ten years from now, I hope you can say you chose your life, you didn’t settle for it. “May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fear.” What a powerful statement that is. Do you realize, that at any given moment, you are choosing between hope and fear? You are either stretching yourself into an area of growth, or shrinking back in fear and comfort.

Consider the last time you had to make a big decision. Let’s say you learned of an amazing job opportunity and decided not to apply. The money, locations and actual work would all be a forward movement for you. What kept you where you are? Fear of rejection? Lack of faith in your ability to do the job? Comfort? Status quo?

What if you knew, 5 years from now, that decision would change your life for the better? Would you take it then? If we are honest, we want a sure thing. We want to know what the future holds and where the path will lead us. But life doesn’t come with any kind of guarantee.

What life does offer us is chance and opportunity but we have to be brave enough to take it. We have to be brave enough to chase down the life we desire. We have to be brave enough to stick our necks outs, risk favor and step into something new.

Fortune favors the brave friends. Be brave today.