Choose Wisely

Have you ever taken the time to really think about the fact that we have a choice in life? Not just in what we eat, drink or wear? But in how we feel? Who we spend time with? What we believe? Our minds are powerful tools of choice. We do not have to accept what random thoughts come to mind. We can choose to accept or reject bits of information.

We are very powerful creatures. Let that sink in for a moment. You have the ability to choose love, or choose hate. To choose happiness, or sadness. To live in light or darkness. Misery or thankfulness. Fear or courage. No matter your circumstances, or situation. Some of my favorite movies/books/stories are of people who maintain amazing attitudes in the face of adversity. What you aren’t challenging, you aren’t changing. Read that again.

We have to challenge our minds to grow, just like we challenge our bodies to generate health and wellness. Next time a thought pops into your head, challenge it. You do not have to feel happy to experience happiness. Yes, I said that. We are not merely here to react to the environment around us, we can actually influence it. We are so powerful and we don’t even know it. We have lost sight of our power and ability to influence rather than be influenced. If you spend your life reacting, rather than choosing, you will most likely be miserable.

Here’s your challenge for today. Evaluate your routine, your habits, your choices. What are you choosing? Are you taking time to do the things that grow you? What can you do today that will make life better for you tomorrow? Next month? Next year? What you are choosing today matters friends. Choose wisely.

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