Cloudy Seasons

We have all experienced times in our lives when we didn’t quite feel ourselves. Times when life seems extra hard and we are in constant opposition to something. It could be relational, physical, work-related…any number of things. But during those seasons we become detached and withdrawn and for the most part more negative than usual.

When you yourself are in one of these seasons, or someone you love is in one of these seasons remember a few of the following things. Negativity is a trait, it is not someone’s identity. A person’s true nature can be obscured by clouds, but, like sun it is always there. Clouds can overcome any of us. At all times our true nature is just below the surface. Sometimes it is covered by clouds and we are a little heavier than usual, but our true person is always there, just waiting to be seen again.

When we deal with people who are more negative than not its difficult not to judge them. It’s also difficult not to get dragged into the middle of their negativity. I urge you to remain objective and seek to understand instead of judge. Observe from the outside and don’t get dragged into the middle. Our objectivity is lost when we are in the middle. Don’t be reactionary – try to be understanding.

If you find yourself, or someone you love, in the middle of a cloudy season know that they end. The clouds part and the true nature of the person returns. Fight for them not against them. Try to understand. Protect yourself from the negativity as much as you can. Find spaces of rest and above all else be more mindful than ever of the things you are grateful for. Keep gratitude at the forefront of your mind, it will overtake the negative. Give yourself and other grace in this period and practice patience. Much love and sunny days sweet friends.