
Often, we humans, give our circumstances a lot more power than we do our decisions. We think we are in situations we are in because we were somehow placed there and we don’t have any power to change our circumstances, they just are what they are. We see patterns in our lives and think that’s just the way our lives are. The common denominator in all the circumstances and the patterns, is ourself.

Blaming our circumstances is a very passive approach. It gives all of the power to the circumstance, and gives us zero power to change direction. We feel stuck, powerless, and sometime hopeless.

Friends, our lives are a product of our choices. We are responsible for where we are. Are there unfair things that happen to us? Absolutely. But, truthfully, most of what we experience is because of a choice that we have made. One of my all time favorite quotes is, “we are free to choose, but we are not free from the consequences of our choices.” Every single choice we make comes with a consequence. Some are good, some are bad, some are life changing and some don’t seem to matter too much.

Friends, you are choosing the life that you live. Through your attitude, your expectations, your actions and your choices. If it is not in line with what you want, make a different choice. You don’t have to stay poor, unhappy, unfulfilled, etc. The life that you want is waiting for you to choose it. I believe, one of the most important things for us to do, is to take responsibility for our lives. Until we take full responsibility for our lives and our choices, they will not change. We have to take ownership of choices, consequences and behavior. We can’t blame other people, the universe, bad luck, etc and expect to see a change. Change comes from taking responsibility and making active changes and wise choices. We can’t control everything that happens, but we can control our response to it. And we can take responsibility for our part in it. Much love and wise choices sweet friends.