Count on Delays

We all have an idea in our heads of how our lives are supposed to unfold. We expect to be married by this age, parents by this age and CEO’s by this age. As we journey through life, we often grow bitter when the timeline isn’t followed properly. After all, we are the experts right? We know when, where and how we should be, right?

Not only do we not handle the altered timeline well, but we don’t know how to be thankful for delay. Have you ever considered what delay has saved you from? What if what you perceive as delay is actually protection? What if you aren’t ready to be a CEO, and becoming one now would completely destroy your life?

It’s okay to want things at a certain time and in a certain order. There is nothing wrong with that. But we need to be open, and thankful for the timeline as it unfolds rather than being bitter when it doesn’t follow our plan. I didn’t get married until I was 36 years old, that certainly wasn’t my timeline, and I spent many years upset about it and felt very delayed in life, but I wasn’t.

Today, embrace perceived delays. Lean into them, be thankful for them. You are headed in the right direction and there truly is no timeline. You don’t have to have it all by a certain time in order to be counted as a success. Buck the system. Go your own way. Do you. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. Rejoice in the delays, they are a source of great protection. Much love and patience in the waiting sweet friends.