Credit Where Credit is Due

I’m not a particularly mushy person…sentimental, absolutely…mushy, not so much. One thing I have always tried to be is appreciative. I miss the mark often, but I believe that most of us are highly motivated by appreciation. We want to know that our presence makes a difference in the lives of others. Small thank yous and little acknowledgments go a long way with me.

So today, I must give Jarrett some credit for some of the things he has done lately. Monday was our two months until the wedding date anniversary (not sure what to call it?). When I got home from work, the dining room table was full of surprises for me. Nice, thoughtful gifts to celebrate our upcoming marriage. For me, it’s never been about the gifts as much as the thought behind the gifts and these were so meaningful. They were things I had seen around town that I liked. He went to 3 different places to compile the 5 gifts he presented me with. Each one carefully chosen from a conversation between the two of us.

I have never been so considered in my life. So carefully looked after and paid attention to. He does the little things better than anyone I have ever met. He sees me, he hears me and he serves me in a way that I have never experienced. Jarrett lives his life to sacrifice for the people he loves most and it shows all around him. He is a kind, thoughtful, generous and incredibly tender hearted human being. He cries. A lot. I love how soft and tender his heart is. It’s so refreshing to be with someone who loves so freely.

Sweet friends, may I encourage you to live your life freely. To love openly and honestly without fear. To truly see, hear and experience the people around you. Stop and enjoy the tiniest of moments. Soak them up as if you may never experience them again. Appreciate the little things that people do that help make your day easier. The small gestures someone makes that shows you that you were on their mind. Love lavishly. It’s so rare, to truly experience being loved and loving all at the same time. Stand in awe of love, it’s magic. Treat it as such. Much love and thoughtful magic sweet friends.