Daily Habits

It’s 4:30 in the morning. I’m sitting with my mug full of coffee and a cozy, sleeping dog. It’s calm, its quiet and its the most important part of my day.

Several years ago, I would snooze my alarm until the last possible moment, roll out of bed, throw clothes and makeup on, pour my coffee in a to go mug, and out the door I went. I always felt frazzled. I lived for weekend mornings where I could start slowly, intentionally and purposefully. I loved my weekend mornings; sitting quietly with my coffee and just being still and present in the quiet. Then I realized, every morning could start like a weekend if I would discipline myself to get up.

Three years ago I decided to start rising a little earlier to sip my coffee slower and spend some time reading something that challenged me and writing each day. I snuggle my sweet dog, sit in a cozy robe and spend an hour indulging myself. It has truly changed my life. Now, my mornings start with intention. They start slow and steady and begin with several of my favorite activities. I sit and I think, I read, I process.

I also workout almost every single day. I know that sounds excessive, but our bodies were made to move. They need to move in order to maintain mobility. I don’t do a really challenging workout everyday, but I do move my body. I also challenge myself to drink a lot of water each day.

I’m not suggesting that you do what I do. But I am suggesting that you think of something you really enjoy that you only do occasionally that you could add to your daily routine. I want to encourage you to stop living for the weekends and the vacations. Live your life today. This day, right now, is the only guarantee we have. I want to spend my life doing what I love. You may think my morning routine is cheezy, I’m okay with you thinking that. But I need you to know that doing more of what you love will always make your life richer and more meaningful.

Samson says good morning