Dark Days

I am not one of those people that will tell you there are no bad days. Because, honestly, there are some really hard days. There are days where I don’t want to get out of bed, much less get dressed and go do anything productive. Some days are harder than others. Some days are just downright dark. Sometimes, those dark days last an entire season. Sometimes they feel as if they will never end. I’ve been there and nothing about it is fun. I know that every day is a gift, and truly it is, but some of them come in much prettier packages than others.

What I do know about the hard days and the dark seasons is that they do end. But most importantly, they bring us to the good days. The bring us the lessons that prepare us for the things we want the most in life. The good days don’t come without the lessons of the hard days. I believe, the hard days prepare us to appreciate the good days. The difficult people in our lives help us to appreciate the good people in our lives. The negative people help us appreciate the positive people. Those who love us well are appreciated because we were once loved poorly.

What I want you to know, is that the hard days are worth it. Keep moving. As slowly as you need to. Do what you need to in order to be okay. But most importantly, learn. Lean in and learn what this season, day, month or year is trying to teach you. Look for opportunities to grow in this dark place. You will come out the other side better than you have ever been, and you will step into something you could never have imagined. Sunshine is coming, but in the meantime, take care of yourself and do what you need to in order to grow. Much love and sunny days sweet friends.