
For the past couple of days, the word daunting has been rolling around in my mind with the grace of a large boulder speeding down a steep hill. How many times in your life have you felt like a task was daunting? Losing weight, purchasing a home, entering into a relationship, having a child, starting a blog…the possibilities are endless. But so is your potential.

Think back on the last time a task seemed daunting to you, did you do it anyway? It only seems daunting to us until its done. Then it moves from a daunting task to a completed one. I have wanted to start a blog for YEARS….literally, YEARS. What stopped me? I didn’t know how. In a world of access to information, I let the fact that I didn’t know how keep me from doing. Here’s the thing, we can make excuses or we can take action. Most of the time, it really is that simple. So, this morning, I sat down and figured out how to start a blog. I want to encourage people, inspire people, and teach people. My heart is for all of us to grow together. So, welcome to my journey.

What in your life currently seems daunting that I can encourage through?