Day One

Today is the day, I start a new chapter in my life this morning. I wanted to entitle this Chapter ______ but honestly I have not idea what chapter of my life this would be. Some of the chapters of my life have no clear beginning or end, we just transition into a new season without realizing we have done so. Today, is not one of those days. Today I am more aware of this transition than any other I have ever experienced before. I feel the magnitude of this moment.

Today is my day one, but I have been unknowingly preparing for this moment for many years. You see friends, we struggle when we aren’t experts at something. We are afraid to be new and to not have all the answers. I promised myself that I would be humble throughout this process, admit what I don’t know, be willing to fail at being a beginner and feel shaky until my legs get stronger. Being brave doesn’t mean you doin’t feel fear, it just means you act in spite of it. Today is my first day as a collegiate athletic director, I have never been one of those before.

But I have been a version of one. I have done a corner of this job. I may not fully understand the entire function, but inexperienced doesn’t mean ignorant. All we really have to do in life is be okay with being new and be humble enough to learn. I am hungry for knowledge and excited for this new challenge.

Friends, be true to yourself. Trust the magic of new beginnings. When a door opens, walk through that door as though you own the place. Be gracious, be humble, be kind. You don’t have to have all the answers, you just have to be willing to learn what you don’t know. I believe great leaders care more about the people they serve than the answers they give. Here’s to new beginnings and being the new kid. Much love and new experiences sweet friends.