Day One

Fall practices started today and the campus is buzzing with activity. It is such a sweet reminder of why we do what we do. I love the days before the semester starts when the student athletes are back on campus and things come alive again. They bring with them such fresh energy and it drives all of us. This morning, the office soundtrack I heard was the bouncing of volleyballs and the squeak of new sneakers on hardwood. The time has come for a fresh start.

Today is a blank page, even more so than the start of other days. Today we turn the page and the 21-22 season begins. Records are wiped clean and the score restarts to zero. For all of us. Each year, this time of year energizes me. There’s something so sweet and refreshing about new beginnings.

I am loving all the first day of school photos I see on social media. Sweet new beginnings for all my friends & family’s children. We start classes on Monday and a whole new wave of energy will hit campus. The pending arrival of our student athletes encouraged me to challenge myself as well. They work so hard and I feel the least I can do is work a little harder alongside them. I took this week to set my own new intentions and begin my own fresh start. My eating and exercise habits have all but become extinct since our move to alpine 6 months and my waistline is definitely showing it. I’m 4 days in to consistent exercise and better food choices.

If you are in need of a fresh start, let me encourage you to start today. Ride the wave of newness all around you and embrace the energy of a fresh start. Whatever reset you need, now is a great time to start a new habit. Most of our daily routines are changing anyway, we might as well add some good new habits in there as well. Much love and new beginnings sweet friends.