Delayed Decisions

Human behavior is of particular interest to me. If it isn’t evident by my psychology background, I love to learn about human behavior and why we do the things we do. When it comes to making decisions, us humans can delay with the best of them. We tend to put decisions off until the last possible minute. We analyze and talk them to death before we finally pull the trigger.

I think most of us delay decisions because we know the outcome with have consequences. We are self preservationists and will avoid pain as much as we possibly can. We fear the unknown, so we delay decisions that might change our way of life. I believe we know, relatively early on, what the right decision is, but we delay voicing it because we are afraid of the fall out, the consequences or the changes that will ensue because of the choice. We stress out about it, lose sleep over it and still make the decision we initially thought was accurate anyway.

Sweet friends, delaying hard decisions doesn’t make them any easier. We often put more energy into dreading an activity or a decision than it would take to actually get it done. Avoidance doesn’t make the decision any easier, it simply adds misery to the present. Don’t do that to yourself. Your mental energy is important, don’t waste it on the hamster wheel of indecision. I don’t know what you are avoiding, but it’s time to face it. You already know what to do.

Trust your instincts. Most of us know what to do within seconds of being presented with a choice. It’s not that we don’t know that to do that makes us indecisive, it’s that we don’t want to deal with the consequences of the choice that make us indecisive. That initial, gut reaction that you have is usually the right one because it’s coming at an instinctual level. That split second you have before your mind can analyze and your emotions catch up usually presents you with the most accurate, real and raw solution. Trust that. Much love and smooth decisions sweet friends.