
Lately, things have felt more challenging than normal. Everything around me has felt uncertain, unsure and difficult. There are a lot of questions lingering, for which I have no answers. I really like to have the answers. It is difficult for me to leave things undone or unanswered. But sometimes, the answers don’t come as easily as the questions.

It’s a hard time to be human. There is little joy and celebration in the world right now. People are tired, cautious, reserved and uncertain. You can see it on the faces around you, if you are seeing faces at all. We humans are disconnected and its beginning to really wear on us.

Friends, one of our deepest psychological needs is the need to belong. We need to feel like we are a part of something. We need to feel seen, heard and loved by those around us. We need to feel connected, yet we are more disconnected than ever. So many people aren’t working at all, or they are working from home. We aren’t going to full workplaces with happy, loving coworkers. We aren’t hugging each other, we aren’t sharing meals; we are withdrawn at best and completely disconnected at worst.

Humans thrive on connection. Ostracize someone from a group and they will feel both physical and emotional pain. Being on the outside of anything is difficult for us. Friends, I tell you this, simply for your awareness and intention. I know that being connected and belonging look very different these days. Find ways to connect and stay connected, it is vital to your health and well being. Keep fighting friends, we will get through this time. Much love and connection sweet friends.