Distracted by Delay

Birthdays always humble me in the best possible way. It is so fun for me to hear from people from different stages of my life. I love feeling so connected to so many people and am deeply thankful for the love that was shown to me on my birthday.

Thirty seven was a tough year, not a horrible one, but definitely a character building one. That’s the funny thing about life, it rarely goes as planned. Perhaps our plans are the very issue. I have learned that the more open I am to whatever life brings along, the more likely I am to experience less daily frustration. I used to come to work every day with a very specific plan. Now, my days have more of an outline than a structure because the people are my purpose. And people are, by their very nature, unpredictable.

For year 38, I am determined to allow things to unfold as they will. The last time I allowed myself to live that way, my sweet husband re-entered my life. Sweet friends, avoid making inner vows with yourself. I remember completing a timeline in high school regarding where I planned to be 10 years from then. My life did not play out the way I intended it to, not in a tragic way, as many have experienced, just in a different way. Much of my greatest desires have felt delayed, but in reality they weren’t. They showed up exactly when they were supposed. I earned my bachelors and masters degrees rather quickly and my career has felt fast tracked in many ways. I am so very thankful for where I am. If you had told me at age 18 that I wouldn’t marry until 36, there’s no way I would’ve believed you. But it was absolutely perfect timing.

Exactly a week prior to my 38th birthday I received notification of my acceptance into a doctoral program, which has long been a dream of mine. Jarrett finishes his masters in December and I start my doctorate in January. I am so very excited to begin this next journey. Sweet friends, don’t get caught up in the timeline of life. Ignore the dates, the years, the milestones that seem to pass you by. The only thing you need to do by age ________ is live your life, exactly as you see fit. Relax. Practice gratitude and be open to what comes. You’ll be amazed what shows up when you lay down your expectations.