Do You Accept the Challenge

It’s not about win or lose, it’s did you accept the challenge?

So many of us only think of winning. We take on challenges, only if we are sure that we will win. We see winning as the ultimate. What if we saw accepting challenges as the ultimate? Think of the perspective and lifestyle change that would occur with this mindset.

Challenges are meant to grow us, to push us and also to set us free. When we challenge ourselves we push ourselves into a new level of being. We are set free from old things and embrace new things. So, in my opinion, deciding to challenge yourself is already a win because it requires a better version of you than the person you were before.

Consider the type of person you would ask out if you didn’t care if they said no. If you simply asked because you found them attractive and you wanted to. Consider the types of jobs you would apply for if you weren’t worried about whether or not you would get them. If we put ourselves out there for the mindset of growth, instead of winning, what a different life we would all live.

As we approach the beginning of a new year, may I challenge you to think of ways you can stretch yourself? To see places in your life where you need to grow and move toward that. Ask people out that you consider out of your league. Apply for jobs you feel unqualified for. Take on a fitness challenge you don’t think you can complete. Here’s the thing friends, when you stretch yourself, you may not get the desired outcome, but you will often get further than you expected to. Your confidence will grow and you will shed some of your fear. Let go of the mindset that focuses on the outcome, and consider growth and accepting the challenge as a win in itself. Go boldly sweet friends.