Don’t Allow Diversion

I finished up Undistracted by Bob Goff this morning. It took me longer than normal to complete this book but this morning I understood why. This past week was particularly discouraging for me. There was a lot of distraction and upheaval and all sorts of external noise. I spent extra time each morning trying to boost myself up to go face what waited for me. I couldn’t figure out how to operate within the system and not be pulled into the drama.

I do not handle drama well. I never really have. I feel it impedes progress greatly. I really struggled last week trying to navigate where to draw the line, and how to help move things along. It was a very exhausting and discouraging week. Leadership is that way sometimes. There are times we have to stumble awkwardly through a season to glean the lessons it has for us.

This morning I read the following: ”Make no mistake. Distractions are being fired in your direction. They come every day in the form of disappointments, insecurities, setbacks, small public failures, or huge private ones. Whatever your snipers, they will likely lurk around in your life and pop up in some related form in the future. Let’s not act surprised when this happens; lets be prepared. If we don’t figure out a plan in advance, these distractions will wreak havoc in our lives. They have the power to shut us down if we’re willing to tolerate or ignore their presence.”

Sweet friends, drama and other distractions will impede your progress. If you can be distracted from the task at hand, you will not complete the task. Do not allow the impediment of your progress. It is vital to growth. Stay focused on what is before you and keep going. There will be very hard days but just keep inching forward, do not get caught in the quick sand of distractions. The goal is worth the focus. Much love and undistracted lives sweet friends.