Don’t Let No Stop You

No. Man, I hate that word. I am hard headed when it comes to getting what I want. You may think this is a good thing, and many times it is. But the truth is when you’re stubborn about what you want you don’t always see when something isn’t good for you anymore. You become so blinded by the want/desire that you can’t see past it to the truth of the matter. It’s so hard for us to see past our pain sometimes.

What I have learned about heartbreak, romantic or otherwise, is that it often sets us up for an even better yes down the road. Some of the most painful moments in my life set me up for the best successes of my life. Sometimes what we think we need, is actually not what we need. There’s so much more to life.

Here’s the thing friends, not every closed door needs to be reopened. Most often, if a door closes, we need to leave it closed. How many nights have you spent crying over someone or something that doesn’t even matter to you now? We have all lost jobs we thought were the best thing for us. Lost people we thought we loved and couldn’t live without. Lost friends we thought were in this for life with us. So many heartbreaks. This is what I believe with all of my heart; what is for us, will not get past us. If someone is meant to be in your life, they will be. If a job is meant for you, you will have it. Go out and pursue the life you want; date the person, apply for the job, move to a new city. When that situation breaks your heart, move on to the next thing. Be sad, hurt for awhile and then dust yourself off and move on.

There are so many opportunities in life. Many times, the no is a setup for a better situation down the road. Don’t let no be a stopping point for you. It can be a pause, but don’t let it stop you. Believe that no leads to better things. Always.