Don’t Rush the Rhythm

Our consumption of other people’s lives is greater than it ever has been before. We can hop online and in just a few minutes “catch up” with friends we haven’t talked to in years. We see their kids, their homes, their significant others, their jobs…and we think we know them. We compare our behind the scenes with their highlight reel and can often feel behind. This comparison trap is hard to get out of. It truly is hard not to compare what you see in other people’s lives to what you know of your own life.

Consider this. Only a small portion of what you see on social media is the whole story. We only see people’s lives in pieces. And not only that, we only see the pieces that they care to show us. Often, they are the perfectly posed pieces of their lives. We look around our own cluttered home and wonder where we went wrong. We wonder why our relationships don’t look as good as theirs. Or if we don’t have a relationship/marriage/children/career we start to feel behind. We get in a rush to catch up to others.

Friends, we want things in our lives to unfold on our own timelines. We want the promotion, the house, the marriage, the kids….all at once. We want more and more and more all the time. But our lives have a rhythm to them. If we will step back and allow things to naturally fall into place, we will have much less chaos. If we are not prepared for the things that come into our lives, we will lose them. There is beauty in the preparation. I believe chaos comes when we try to rush things. Don’t rush the rhythm of your life. Your life will unfold, as its meant to, if you will allow it to do so. And when you allow your life to come together, instead of forcing it together, you will experience much more peace in the process. Much love and natural rhythms sweet friends.