Don’t Use Your Strengths Against People

We have such a tendency to hold our strengths against people. We are so frustrated by those who aren’t as efficient as we are. I want people to be able to solve problems, face conflicts, plan and execute. Truthfully, I get very frustrated with people who require step by step instructions to complete a task. I value efficiency.

I realized that I have a selfish tendency to measure everyone against my own stick. If I’m good at something, I want others to be good at it as well. If I’m not good at it, I don’t expect them to be either. When truthfully, I need what strengths they do offer. I need what they have. I don’t need a world full of me, I need a world full of uniqueness.

Friends, don’t hold your strengths against those around you. Cherish and celebrate the differences of each other. Understand that what comes easily to you, may be a big struggle for others. Know also that someone can easily do what you struggle with. Look for the strength in others and call it out of them. Recognize it and celebrate it. We have such a tendency to look for the bad, the shortcomings, the failures in others…look for the good.

Those people you struggle the most with have something to offer too. They bother you because they bring something different that you don’t have. Think of the people you struggle with the most and often you will find they have a strength that you admire. Your strengths don’t trump theirs. Be the one who sees and celebrates the good in others. Much love sweet friends.