
We want the easiest, most efficient way. We are used to instant gratification in all areas of life. We no longer have to wait a week to watch a show much less actually be home when it airs. We can drive through and pick up almost any meal we want without getting out of our pajamas. We can instantly download almost any book, movie, tv show, etc. We don’t have to wait for anything anymore. And what if that’s the problem?

I believe that we were not intended for efficiency. We were not created to be the most efficient creatures, we are not machines. Truthfully, good things take time. The best things I have ever experienced in my life have come through trial and error, patience and perseverance. Sometimes we need to walk instead of drive. We need to cook a meal on the stove. We need to visit a library and check out a book. We need to drive to see a friend and sit and talk with them over coffee rather than face time with them. Instant isn’t always the right answer.

Relationships are not efficient. Success isn’t efficient. Love isn’t efficient. All of these things take good, quality time to produce. But we are often so concerned with the outcome that we miss the process. The process is where all the magic is.

Truthfully, what happens when you get it? If you aren’t prepared to handle it, you’ll lose it. The process prepares us for the outcome. Friends, its not meant to be handed to you, its meant to be earned. Let go of the idea that it supposed to be easy or that it will just happened. Go out and earn it. Lean into the process. Take the long way. Upon arrival, you’ll be better prepared.