I was reading about ego this morning and the author retold a story of a time in his life where he had to change paths. He had decided one path for his life and it didn’t work out. He stayed the path as long as he possibly could until his health became a factor. Upon being released from the hospital, he was advised by his mentor to pursue a different path. He was crushed, but mostly he was embarrassed.
His story resonated with me and I wondered how many people stay in jobs because they feel it’s what is expected of them? How many of us do something we don’t really love because our egos won’t let us out of it? How many of us stay in places, with people, doing things we don’t love because our egos dictate our actions? How many of us hold grudges against people we love because our egos won’t allow us to apologize?
It’s heartbreaking actually. When you really think about it, it’s devastating. The things we do everyday should light a fire in us. We should be driven by passion, not obligation. The world needs us to love what we do, love the ones we do life with and love this beautiful life we are living. Our passion, not our ego, should drive our choices.
I say all this to challenge you, and myself, to evaluate your current situation. Are you in love with your life? Are you in love with what you’re doing? Are you staying where you are because you are afraid of the judgement of others? Is the disappointment of others keeping you in a miserable situation? Sweet friends, love your life! Do what you need to today in order to get a step closer. Don’t let your ego keep you where your heart no longer lives. Much love and passionate lives sweet friends.