Engaging Our Passion

Fear is meant to keep us in places that stunt our growth. So many of us never reach our full potential because we are afraid to take a risk, to stretch ourselves into a new place. We are so comfortable with where we are, we don’t want the discomfort of growth. I truly believe that if we were aware of all we were capable of, it would literally blow our minds.

I am a strange mix of things when it comes to where my heart lies. I have a masters degree in psychology, I work in intercollegiate athletics, I am sometimes a part time instructor and I love to write. I think sometimes when it comes to our passions, we tend to overcomplicate them. Your 8-5 job isn’t always going to be the thing that brings you the most fulfillment. I love my job, I love the creativity, the pace, the intensity and the active competition. But I also really love sharing wisdom with people, having deep, meaningful conversations with others; learning and growing from them. Sometimes I get that in my job and sometimes I don’t. I often do not write so much as a paragraph on a daily basis in my job. That’s okay.

My point is, engaging in your passion is not always going to happen in your office. Many times, it occurs outside of the office, in friendships, relationships, mentorships and online. Do not let your passions die because they are not applicable to what you currently do for a living. Engage your passion where you are now and you might be surprised what opportunities arise.

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to publish a book. I’m talking about as far back as Junior High, I remember having this dream. For so many years of my life I just thought, ”I don’t know how to write a book.“ Friends, I didn’t know how to do a lot of things until I did them. We all start off as beginners. We have developed this fear of not knowing. Sometimes the freshest eyes bring the best perspective. I was reading an author one day and he said “you know how you write a book? You sit down and write it.”

Whatever it is that you are drawn to in life, may I encourage you to pursue it? One tiny baby step at a time. Whatever it is that you want in life, be bold enough to ask for it. Be humble enough to be a beginner. Engage the expertise of people you admire that are doing what you wish you were. We have access to so much knowledge, don’t let not knowing how keep you from trying. Here’s to being beginners and lifelong learners. Much love sweet friends.