Even the Right Decisions Aren’t Easy

I think there’s a misconception among us. That if we make the right decision about something that it is somehow easy. That the red carpet just rolls out in front of us and the rest of our lives are just lived in beautiful bliss. Sweet friends, even the right decisions can be hard.

Now, with three months of my new job, new location and new school under my belt, I can see that clearly. I struggled so much for my first 4-6 weeks here. I just wanted to wiggle out of the discomfort. I wasn’t unhappy, but I was incredibly uncomfortable. Change will do that to you. In fact, I will tell you, I am not sure that the best decisions aren’t actually the hardest, most uncomfortable ones for us to make. Once I found my rhythm here, I settled more fully into my choice to be here and I haven’t looked back.

Even the choice to marry my sweet Jarrett has not come without discomfort. The decision has stretched me. Not because it’s not right, but because it requires a lifestyle change on my part. It’s hard. Learning to live in the rhythm of another person, to kindly consider them in all matters of your life, to learn to flow with them and not against them. You are taking two separate lives and making them one. Nothing about that is easy, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t right. Good decisions are hard also.

Sweet, beautiful, precious friends…check your expectations. Know that even the best decisions of your life will come with some discomfort. Any decision that requires growth or change will stretch you into an uncomfortable place. That is a good thing. It’s not always going to feel good, it’s not always going to be easy, but it will feel peaceful. Even among the discomfort, you will feel the peace of knowing you followed the right path. Keep pursuing peace and allow yourself the discomfort of growth. Much love and sweet peace my friends.